
Ayuda Matrimonial

"No dejen que sus corazones se inquieten." - Juan 14:1

Si estás experimentando dificultades en tu vida o matrimonio, hay esperanza. Las pruebas y los tiempos difíciles son parte de la vida, pero hay recursos disponibles para ayudarte a encontrar paz. Por favor, explora los recursos a continuación para descubrir qué opciones pueden satisfacer tus necesidades. A través de las tormentas de la vida, recuerda las palabras del Señor: "Les he dicho esto para que en mí hallen paz. En este mundo afrontarán aflicciones, pero ¡ábrense! ¡Yo he vencido al mundo!" (Juan 16:33).

Recursos de ayuda para el matrimonio

Retrouvaille (French for "rediscovery") is a program for couples to heal and renew their hurting marriages. Beginning with a weekend experience, it provides couples with practical tools to improve their marriage. More information about the Nashville chapter of Retrouvaille can be found here or here

RESTORE is an online, self-led marriage resource that gives you and your spouse the opportunity and the tools necessary to heal and restore your relationship. There is also a specific track for designed for couples who have been impacted by infidelity in their marriage and are at the very beginning stages of recovery. 

A ministry of The Alexander House providing a resource for troubled marriages. Services are provided at no cost and have a 99% success rate.

The Institute for Marital Healing is an online resource of articles and media to assist couples in discovering causes of conflict and paths of forgiveness and healing.

Por favor haz clic aquí para obtener recursos sobre problemas específicos como adicciones o abuso.

Recursos de Consejería

Delaney Dodson, LPC-MHSP

Location: Private Practice, Nashville

Specialty: Individual and Marriage Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Joshua Medeiros, LPC-MHSP (Temp.)

Location: Insight Counseling Centers, Clarksville

Specialty: Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


William Bellet, Ph.D.

Location: Private Practice, Nashville

Specialty: Adult, Individual, Family, Marriage Therapy & Family Business Counseling

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Fiat Integrative Health

Location: Franklin

Specialty: Individual, Group, and Marriage Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Counselors: Lucy Bordiuk, Travis Speier, Carla Porter, and Scott Weeman

Languages: English


Colleen Halfmann, LMFT

Location: Holy Family Parish, Brentwood

Specialty: Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Aidan Culloton, MA

Location: Holy Family Parish, Brentwood

Specialty: Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Stu Cook, MA, LPC-MHSP

Location: Vitus Counseling, Brentwood

Specialty: Individual and Marriage Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Deacon Brian Edwards, MA, LCSW

Location: Private Practice, Nashville

Specialty: Individual Therapy

Telehealth Yes (only)

Languages: English


Hannah Sweeney, MMFT

Location: The Therapeutic Studio, Franklin

Specialty: Individual, Marriage, Family, and Child Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Jennifer A. Hanket, Psy.D.

Location: Private Practice, Murfreesboro

Specialty: Trauma Recovery

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Stephen Hopkins, Psy. D. MHP

Location: Private Practice, Nashville and Murfreesboro

Specialty: Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Elizabeth Oldham, MS

Location: Haven Counseling Center, Knoxville

Specialty: Individual, Adolescent (Ages 10+), and Adult Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Robert Rust, NCC MFTI

Location: Bosco Counseling, Knoxville

Specialty: Individual and Marriage Therapy

Telehealth: Yes

Languages: English


Catholic Charities

Location: Various throughout the Diocese

Specialty: Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy

Telehealth: Contact to inquire

Languages: English, Spanish


Recursos para personas separadas o divorciadas

Divorced Catholic helps those who have experienced a divorce to begin a path of recovery and renewal through an online support program and by providing resources and encouragement.

Surviving Divorce is a program available from Ascension Press, developed and presented by Rose Sweet, that helps those who have experienced divorce to find hope and healing.

Life-Giving Wounds is a ministry that seeks to bring healing and support to adult children of divorce through peer-led retreats, support groups, and online resources.

Parishes with Separated/Divorced Support Groups:

Holy Family, Brentwood

Recursos para declaración de nulidad

Existen muchos malentendidos con respecto a las declaraciones de nulidad. Una declaración de nulidad no es un "divorcio católico". Es la decisión alcanzada después de un examen tribunalicio de que al momento del consentimiento para el matrimonio, una o ambas partes (novia y/o novio) carecían del conocimiento, intención, capacidad o libertad necesarios para llevar a cabo un matrimonio válido. Exclusivamente es un asunto eclesiástico relacionado con el momento del consentimiento (cuando se intercambiaron los votos el día de la boda).

Para obtener más información sobre qué es una declaración de nulidad, haga clic aquí.

Para preguntar sobre el proceso para solicitar una declaración de nulidad, comuníquese con el Tribunal de la Diócesis de Nashville.


Consultas Generales

Diócesis de Nashville
Oficina de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar
Correo Electrónico

Maria Oliva

Asistente de Director de Formación de Fe para el Matrimonio y la Vida Familiar
Correo electrónico

Living and Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, Welcoming All!

Diocese of Nashville

Office of Marriage and Family Life


Catholic Pastoral Center

2800 McGavock Pike

Nashville, TN 37214


© 2023 Diocese of Nashville TERMS

Living and Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, Welcoming All!

Diocese of Nashville

Office of Marriage and Family Life


© 2023 Diocese of Nashville TERMS

Living and Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, Welcoming All!

Diocese of Nashville

Office of Marriage and Family Life


Catholic Pastoral Center

2800 McGavock Pike

Nashville, TN 37214


© 2023 Diocese of Nashville TERMS

Living and Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ,

Welcoming All!

Diocese of Nashville

Office of Marriage and Family Life


© 2023 Diocese of Nashville TERMS